Home Gear Where Will Your Guns GoWhen You Die?

Where Will Your Guns GoWhen You Die?

by Gunner Quinn
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Time is Ticking

The topic is — unfortunately — very relevant because two of our friends and staff writers, Mike “Duke” Venturino and Mark Hampton, recently passed away within two weeks of each other.

Duke knew his time was short and had the wherewithal to reach out to friends to tell them what they meant to him. Such a classy guy. Mark Hampton died in the opposite circumstance — on day 2 of a safari in Africa of an apparent heart attack (at least this is the information we’re getting. News travels slowly from the bush).

Regardless, both guys leave behind a tremendous legacy, family, friends — and a sizable firearms collection. While it might seem a trivial matter when locked in the throes of grief, the proper disposition of a gun collection is actually an important task which will dramatically help the survivors in the long run. However, meticulously liquidating a collection to get maximum value requires some planning and forethought, which is where we all stumble.

Another sad fact is many of our families aren’t interested in our guns. Despite their intrinsic and sentimental value, to some family members, guns are considered no more valuable than old kitchen appliances and are generally handled the same when it comes time to liquidate an estate.

Here are five steps that can help solve what will be an eventual problem for nearly every shooting enthusiast. Don’t put off these important tasks because you never know when the final bell will ring! I could give you a couple of recent examples …

Read the full article here

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