Home Gear Victory Is the Only Thing

Victory Is the Only Thing

by Gunner Quinn
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Convention Center

At the Republican National Convention, the party will adopt a platform. Pay careful attention to how the party addresses the Second Amendment. Likewise, as your state parties hold their conventions, make note of any references to your rights under the federal and state constitutions regarding bearing arms, regardless of which party is convening.

And this brings us to the 80% rule, which applies to both political parties and non-committed voters. For GOP voters who want to win — instead of complaining for the next four years — this is an easy thing to understand: Even if you do not like some of the candidate’s positions, if that person’s victory in November helps secure the legislative/congressional majority, his/her party will set the agenda, control committee chairmanships, assignments and more importantly, stop bad legislation in its tracks. This is all Civics 101.

Now let’s talk about “Civics 201.” If you’re devoted to conservativism or libertarianism, you’ve got to start somewhere. The first move is to capture the majority and hold it through the mid-term cycle in 2026, even if it means voting for someone who is, in your estimation, a “moderate.” This is when you can start shifting the political tectonic plates.

How do you think the liberals shifted to “progressive” and finally to “woke”? They’ve done it incrementally, while too many people were asleep at the wheel. Time to throw it in full reverse, don’t you think? Far too many in the Second Amendment community think one political victory is the end, so they fold up their tents and go home.

Write this on the wall: In some races, only a “moderate” can initially win, but it is still a win.

Looking over the horizon, the Democratic National Convention will be held Aug. 19–22 in Chicago. If you were around to witness the 1968 Democratic National Convention in Chicago, you didn’t just see a debacle, you saw the beginning of the political shift mentioned in the previous paragraph. It has taken 56 years for the party of Hubert Humphrey, John F. Kennedy, Henry M. Jackson to be replaced by Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Gavin Newsom and “The Squad.”

Pay close attention to the platform Democrats adopt, and see what it says about gun control. It will almost certainly say something about banning so-called “assault weapons.” Don’t be surprised if there is more about waiting periods, one-gun-a-month, reversing “Constitutional Carry” in 29 states, and reducing the number of active concealed carry licenses or permits. Watch out for a national “training requirement.” This is all stuff the Biden party, clear down to state legislatures, has been pushing for several years. For a sampling of this menu, look what has happened in Michigan, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Washington, Oregon and California.

Read the full article here

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