Home Gear Mag-na-port Putting Bling Back Into Blasting!

Mag-na-port Putting Bling Back Into Blasting!

by Gunner Quinn
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I know, I know … you either love it — or not. But keeping mind, as His Editorship Brent says at times, “Gun is only one letter away from Fun.” And he’s right.

Lest we all fuddy-duddy ourselves into a state of harrumphing grumpiness, let’s keep in mind — sometimes, just sometimes, it’s okay to merely have fun. Yes, even when it comes to some guns. Maybe especially when it comes to guns?

To illustrate the need for this concept, let me share an honest letter we received here at GUNS:

“Dear Editor, please discontinue the use of color photos in your magazines as they distract from the information contained herein. Guns are serious tools and deserve the respect a more serious tone such as black and white photos would offer. I look forward to the future, where such nonsense is discontinued.”

No, really, someone really wrote that. We were tempted to send him one of our “It Sucks To Be You” shirts, but we were out of them at the time.

So, in celebration of all things gunny — and fun — we present this arguably over-the-top Springfield Armory Range Officer Target Model, as boldly envisioned by none other than Ken Kelly of Mag-na-port. Ken is known for his kindness and good humor — but he takes his gun work (fun?) seriously.

“Do you really think it’s over the top?” he asked me on the phone. “I mean … um, I think it looks good, really eye-catching even, but do you think people will like it or will they just not get it?”

I assured him people would indeed like it. Since I received it, every single person I’ve shown it to stops talking and simply stares at it. Then they look at me, back at the gun, at me, then back at the gun. Then they usually say something like:

“Oh. My god. Oh, my god … I love this. It’s so, um, uh … excessive! I want one. How do I get one?”

Read the full article here

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